maandag 7 mei 2012

Twitter tijdens de rit

Wielrennen anno 2013.
Een koers is gaande  en de veelbesproken oortjes horen niet meer in de koers.
Wel zijn vele ploegen uitgerust met een smartphone,  ingebouwd in de fietscomputertjes.

Hele ritten lang staan we in verbinding met de renners via twitter  en de renners uiteraard ook met elkaar.
Dat levert buiten de fysieke strijd ook een leuke virtuele veldslag op.

We situeren een lange saaie Vuelta etappe door een woestijn.

dzabriskie: liquigasboy in front of me looks like a #camel with all that foodstuff in his bags, hope he doesn't literally have #liquigas like Haussler 2 days back when he ate that "prraella"

Maciejpaterski @dzabriskie:  I'm feeling a bit sick, don't get your nose too close to my "wheel".

Heinrichhaussler @dzabriskie: I almost beat cav that day, sure it worked like the steaks we used to eat at #tdf.

Markcavendish @ Heinrichhaussler: Even if you eat all the "prraella" Spain can produce in one day you can't beat me, except in case that Italian twat kicks me off my #bike.

dzabriskie @ Maciejpaterski: Geez, I smell something,smell reminds me of tour of Beijing where every meal is like having a sneak (snack) preview in a petshop.

Heinrichhaussler @ Markcavendish:  This race ain't over, my kangaroo-like sprinting will payoff today, feel like in the outbacks here.

pipo_pozzato: OMG just saw one spectator, a girl looking like a #camel after a good refresh at the oasis,  on the right side of the road.

dzabriskie: What? where!?  (retweeted by 150 others)

Markcavendish:  pippo is gone!  he just got us all #loony

F_cancellara @ Markcavendish: There he is,  a few 100 meters in front of us,  trying to escape.

geraint_thomas @ Mark Cavendish: What a way to get into the final lol

CadelEvans: You guys have no sense of humour..

pipo_pozzato @ CadelEvans:  Hey, it seems like the loner wants to say something!  btw: did you ever see a girl?

Markcavendish @ pipo_pozzato:  I guess he never did

CadelEvans @ pipo_pozzato: what about my wife #chiara?

pipo_pozzato@Markcavendish:  says the boy who was born in a place called "Isle of man", I mean when you just  say that name 10 times in a row #gay

pipo_pozzato @ Cadelevans:  You actually look like brother and sister and ehh you adopted a child?!  do you also sleep separated or what?

Johanvansummeren:  dear ladies,  can you have these conversations in the bathroom, while varnishing your nails please?  it's hot enough out here.

F_cancellara: Pippo still in front of the race, while twittering like a #camel on speed.

pipo_pozzato @ Johanvansummeren: oh dear,  the granny has spoken.

CadelEvans @ pipo_pozzato: What about you,  always talking about chasing chicas and getting laid, but did you really get pussy  or is it screaming from behind the closet door?

Johanvansummeren @ pipo_pozzato:  Wait, I'm catching you with 8 seconds a km,  what granny? :)

MarkCavendish @ Pipo_pozzato: Lol,  this boy is calling me #gay?

Marcelkittel:  NOES,  looks like I get a puncture #final 5 km

Markcavendish @ Marcelkittel:  oh no,  looks like you don't get the second place today :(

BramTankink: Someone's big ego smells worser than @Maciejpaterski's beggo.

pipo_pozzato @ CadelEvans:  Lol,  you pussy  hiding yourself in the back of the pack, meet me after finish  to get a proper Italian conversation!

pipo_pozzato @ Markcavendish:  look at yourself, talking' bout fairy play.

geraint_thomas @ johanvansummeren:  good work ;)  and thanks to @pipo_pozzato for driving the opponents mad.

Markcavendish @ pipopozzato:
A bit jealous?  I mean, when did you win your last race?  before or after Longo rode her first race?

dzabriskie: like these rows!  200 km in wasteland gone fast like a yellow jersey meeting fence on a TTT

Michiel_Elijzen @ Markcavendish:  If pipo won a race before Jeannie rode her first  he probably is the one who invented the wheel.

Markcavendish: 1 km to go, good work @bernhardeisel now @geraint_thomas launch me @500 m

Heinrichhaussler: have mark's wheel #betterpositionthanyesterday

Theo_bos: survived #lastcorner now @ wheel of @Heinrichhaussler

Heinrichhaussler @ Theo_bos:  nice joke, does this tarmac taste sweeter than the cobbles of #last stage?

John_degenkolb: first you have to get in front of me you pussies!

Markcavendish: wait what!?  didn't count on @Theo_bos staying on his bike..

Heinrichhaussler @ Markcavendish: watch me passing your assie on the left ^^

Theo_bos @ Markcavendish: you didn't expect that, now keep a good look on my nice back wheel ;)

Theo_bos: YEEEAAAAAAH!!! #victory

Heinrichhaussler: WHAAAT!?   didn't he crash?

Heinrichhaussler @ Markcavendish:  I still beat you without #prrraella

Markcavendish @ Heinrichhaussler: Congrats, you're still first of all losers :)

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